Sunday, March 03, 2013

This Just In… Who I Be by Annie Brown

When most people look into a mirror, what they see is unsatisfactory -- an image tainted by society’s dictates of how we are supposed to look. We were made in the image of God, so why do we waste time and energy remaking ourselves to please others? Scripture has declared that we were wonderfully and fearfully made, but we would rather conform to society’s image rather than be transformed into the image that God wants us to be. In the process, many of us lose ourselves and become someone we do not recognize.

Who I Be is a call to action. Contemplate who you are, not who you think you need to be. The decision is yours: to lead a happy and productive life, or spend useless hours trying to be what you perceive will be popular with others. Who I Be by Annie Brown prepares you to ask yourself: “Who I Be?”

You can read more about the book here. ◊

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